Blog of the Week: The Write Practice

Friday, May 30, 2014

This week I am reviewing the blog The Write Practice, which was founded by Joe Bunting and is maintained by him and his team. founded by Joe Bunting

What this blog is about 

When I started my writing practice last month, I found The Write Practice by googling for writing blogs. This blog will help you to kickstart your writing practice. Joe and his team write daily posts on writing, from doing the outline to looking to get published. There are also tutorials and a digital course for publishing and marketing your book called The Story Cartel Course. When you subscribe to this blog, you also get two weeks worth of writing prompts to help get your started with your writing.

About Joe

Joe Bunting is the founder of the Write Practice. He loves the sound of a good sentence and would like to think of himself as a literary snob but can be kept up far too late by a page turner meant for thirteen year old girls. He would like for you not to know that though. He lives with his wife and son outside of Atlanta.

Why I love this blog 

I love this blog for several reasons and the first is how helpful the posts are. I found everything I need in terms of writing advice from this blog. For example, I've thought about doing NaNoWriMo for a while now and Joe has a great post called 12 Thoughts on NaNoWriMo that every writer should read. I also plan on taking Joe's Story Cartel Course to learn how to publish and market my book. After I'm done writing it of course :)

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