Hi I'm Melissa and welcome to The Information Dojo!
Who am I?
I am a mid-twenties librarian, writer, and gentle rebel living in Montpelier, Vermont.
I love reading, writing, manga, and watching anime and crime dramas. My favorite genre is science-fiction and fantasy and my favorite T.V. shows are Castle (who doesn't love Nathan Fillion??) and the Walking Dead.
You can find more about me on my site at www.melissacornwell.org.
Why dojo?
Dojos have a prestigious background in Japanese culture and I've always been fascinated with them. People who want to practice martials arts train in dojos. People aren't just taught physical skills though. They are also taught how to become mentally strong as well as physically. And it takes practice (sometimes years of practice).
I want this blog to be a place where people can come to learn new knowledge and skills and become mentally strong through reflection and action. I want to help you find the strategies and build the confidence you need to design the life, skill, or passion that you want. As a final step, I want to help you take those strategies and turn them into actions.
What is this blog about?
I blog about strategies for using information, creativity, and technology to design the life and/or passion that you want.
This blog is a place to practice and reflect on the following ideas:
Personal Knowledge Management
Lifestyle Design
Science-Fiction and Fantasy
I also do weekly blog reviews, semi-weekly book reviews, and technology tutorials.