Blog of the Week: Tranquility du Jour

Friday, April 25, 2014

This week I wanted to kick off my new weekly review series titled Blog of the Week.

Each week, I will review a website or blog that I have found extremely helpful in my journey. One disclaimer: I am not getting paid to feature these blogs on my blog. I am sharing them because I believe they have wonderful content and do a wonderful job of engaging with their readers.

The blog this week is: Tranquility du Jour by Kimberly Wilson

Courtesy of Tranquility du Jour
About Kimberly 

Kimberly Wilson is the creative director of Tranquil Space yoga studios, designer of eco-fashion line TranquiliT, director of Tranquil Space Foundation, author of Hip Tranquil Chick, Tranquilista, and Tranquilologie, and writer for this beautiful lifestyle blog. Tranquility du Jour contains musings on a potpourri of my passions - style, yoga, sparkly things, vintage finds, mindfulness, all things French, do-gooding, creativity, and, of course, tranquility.

Her website is

Why I Love Tranquility du Jour 

This blog was the very first blog I started following when I began my journey to really get to know my creative self.

Kimberly speaks in a very simple and direct language on topics that helped me to feel creative and inspired. I truly felt that I could be creative after reading this blog (which led me to start this blog!).

Kimberly also does a lot with mindfulness and I highly recommend her e-course Mindfulness: Tranquility Within

I also own all her books and you should check them out too! They are fantastic!

Kimberly also writes on starting your own business and entrepreneurship. Check out her e-course Creative + Conscious Business


Tranquility du Jour and all related items are the property of Kimberly Wilson and Hip Tranquil Ventures LLC.

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